Disclaimer & privacy statement

Privacy statement

Clairfort Advocaten Mediators & Projectjuristen (hereinafter: “Clairfort”) is a joint venture based on a cost partnership involving Clairfort Zeist B.V. (Chamber of Commerce Number: 69535876, hereinafter: “Clairfort Zeist”) and the partnership, Clairfort HS (Chamber of Commerce Number: 30267367, hereinafter: “Clairfort HS”).

Clairfort respects your personal data and will ensure that any personal information which is provided to us or which we obtain in some other way will be dealt with confidentially. What follows below implements the duty stipulated in the GDPR to provide information to any data subject whose personal data is processed by Clairfort. In this respect Clairfort has adopted appropriate measures to protect your data and to prevent it from being misused.

1. Personal data

Personal data refers to any information concerning a person or which can be traced back to such person. Not only does this involve a name or address, for example, but also an IP address in certain circumstances.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

Clairfort collects your personal data because you have visited our website and/or have provided us with such data, such information was obtained in the course of providing a service, such data may have been provided to us by another party, including a counterparty, or such information has been disclosed through public sources.

3. What data does Clairfort process?

Clairfort processes the following types of data, amongst others:

  • company names, first and last names, initials, titles, gender details, dates of birth, invoice and other addresses, postcodes, places of residence, countries, email addresses, telephone numbers and similar data required for communication;
  • identity details (a copy of proof of identity where necessary);
  • business details, such as an extract from the business register and VAT numbers;
  • bank and payment details;
  • compliance with the duty to provide proof of identity pursuant to the Legal Counsel Act [Advocatenwet] and, where applicable, the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act [Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren terrorisme];
  • information concerning your stated preference to receive newsletters;
  • information concerning the network and other equipment that you have used to visit our website, such as its location and IP address;
  • information concerning people obtained from case documents or others which are required for the purposes of dealing with a case;
  • other information in relation to your visit to our website, such as the duration of your visit and your browsing history.

4. Purposes for which personal data is processed

Clairfort processes personal data for the purposes mentioned below:

  • establishing contact with actual and potential clients;
  • concluding and executing service agreements for the provision of legal services, such as the presentation of advice, conducting legal proceedings for clients and performing other legal work;
  • invoicing, and accounts payable and receivable management;
  • providing information to data subjects;
  • providing advice to, mediating for and referring data subjects;
  • sending out newsletters, invitations for and information about Clairfort live updates or other mailshots for which you have registered;
  • analysing interests and needs;
  • marketing and communication activities (and optimising them);
  • optimising the functionality of our website;
  • recruitment and selection (job applications);
  • complying with obligations arising from any legal duty.

5. Grounds for processing personal data

Clairfort only processes the above-mentioned personal data based on the grounds mentioned below as provided for in Article 6 of the GDPR:

  • complying with a legal obligation;
  • executing a contract;
  • a legitimate interest;
  • consent obtained from you.

6. Retention periods

Your data will never be kept for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes. It will only be used for the purpose for which it has been obtained. The data will be deleted by no later than two (2) years after the time when it was last used in so far as no retention period is stipulated in the applicable legislation and regulations.
Client case files are kept for no longer than twenty (20) years for accountability reasons and because of professional liability insurance.

7. Security

7.1 Clairfort has adopted appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against its wrongful or unlawful processing, loss, destruction, corruption, modification or disclosure. In so far as Clairfort avails itself of the services of any other party for the purposes of processing personal data, such as an IT company, it shall make arrangements to secure appropriate security measures for the purposes of protecting personal data in a data processing agreement.

7.2 Should you have any questions concerning the security of your personal data or if there is any indication that it has been misused, may we ask you to please contact us at info@clairfort.nl.

8. Your rights

8.1 You are entitled to ask Clairfort to allow you to inspect the personal data which it processes. Such a request will be acceded to as long as any other party’s rights do not constitute an obstacle to this.

8.2 You are entitled to ask Clairfort to correct or add to your data in the event that the data which we have is incorrect or incomplete.

8.3 You are entitled to ask Clairfort to delete your data. Clairfort will only proceed to do so provided that there are good grounds for this. In the event that Clairfort has a legal duty to retain your data, it will not accede

8.4 You are entitled to object to your data being processed or to request that the processing of your data be limited. Such a request will be honoured in the event that you can show that you have an interest in this on good grounds and that there is no question of any legal obligation which constitutes an obstacle to this.

8.5 You are entitled to data portability. Acting at your request, the electronic data which Clairfort processes will be transferred to another party.

8.6 In so far as the processing of your data is based on consent, you are entitled to revoke your consent at any time. In this case Clairfort will stop processing your data based on your consent in so far as no legal obligation poses an obstacle to this.

8.7 You are entitled to submit a complaint to the regulatory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

8.8 Circumstances may occur in which Clairfort is unable to accede to your request in your capacity as a data subject or cannot do so in full. In this respect one might consider a lawyer’s duty of non-disclosure and the legally stipulated retention periods. If you have any questions about your rights, you may contact us at info@clairfort.nl.

9. Sharing data with other parties

9.1 Clairfort will only share your personal data with another party in so far as this is necessary for the provision of services having regard to the above-mentioned purposes. In this respect one might consider another lawyer deputising to run the practice, conducting an expert examination (or arranging for this to be done), engaging another party on behalf of Clairfort and at the latter’s behest, such as an IT supplier, but also the provision of your personal data in connection with proceedings (legal or otherwise) or correspondence with a counterparty. In addition, Clairfort may supply personal data to another party, such as a regulatory authority or some other public authority in so far as it has a legal duty to do so.

9.2 A data processing agreement will be concluded with any other party that processes your personal data on Clairfort’s behalf and at its behest, pursuant to which that party will also have a duty to comply with the GDPR. Any party that provides services in the capacity of a data controller that Clairfort engages to process your personal data (or to continue to do so) will itself be responsible for complying with the GDPR and will be liable for any loss. In this respect one might consider an accountant, notary or any other party engaged to provide a second opinion or an expert report.

10. Online services

We collect your personal data if you use our website, register for an event or subscribe for blog updates. Furthermore, you may also leave personal data in the social media channels which we use, such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. With regard to processing your personal data for the provision of our online services, we refer you to our privacy statement on our website: https://clairfort.nl/disclaimer-privacystatement/. You will also find our cookie policy there.

11. Complaints

If you have a complaint in relation to how Clairfort processes your personal data, we look forward to receiving it. Should you fail to resolve the matter with us, you will be entitled to submit a complaint to the privacy regulator, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You may contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this purpose.

12. Contact

In the event that you have any questions, comments or complaints pertaining to the above-mentioned information, you may contact us at info@clairfort.nl.

Clairfort reserves the right to amend this privacy statement without prior notice at any time. You may always consult the most recent version of it on the Clairfort website.
Date of last amendment: 1 July 2018

13. Cookies

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 11-Jul-2023
Last Updated: 1-May-2024


What are cookies?


How do we use cookies?


Types of Cookies we use


Manage cookie preferences

Cookie Settings

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050

Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox?redirectslug=delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored&redirectlocale=en-US

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.


14. How Google used data from this website

This website uses Google Services to improve quality. Via this link you can read how Google uses the data from this website.

Disclaimer for Clairfort.nl

Clairfort.nl hereby grants you access to Clairfort.nl (the “Website”) and invites you to procure services offered on it.
In this respect Clairfort reserves the right to modify the content or to delete parts of it without notifying you of this.

Limitation of liability

Clairfort makes an effort to update and/or supplement the content of the Website as often as possible. In spite of this care and attention, it is possible that the content may be inaccurate and/or incomplete.

The materials on the website are offered in the absence of any form of warranty of or entitlement to accuracy. These materials may change at any point in time without Clairfort giving any prior notice. They comprise general information and not advice. No liability is accepted for the consequences of any errors.

Under no circumstances can Clairfort accept liability for the hyperlinks to websites on the Website or for any services provided by other parties.

Your data will be protected with the utmost care. In spite of this Clairfort may not be held liable for any adverse or illegal external influences. Nevertheless, Clairfort seeks to create as safe an environment as is reasonably possible.


All intellectual property rights pertaining to the Website and its content are held by Clairfort (content) and Cold Coffee (website).
Unless specifically stipulated otherwise, these materials may not be copied, distributed or used in any other way without Clairfort’s written consent, except and solely in so far as is stipulated otherwise in provisions of mandatory law (such as, the right to quote).