About us

Clairfort Attorneys-at-law Mediators & Project lawyers

Clairfort in brief

Clairfort consists of various teams of specialist lawyers and attorneys-at-law. It may be called a niche firm. Clairfort staff only work in their own field of expertise. As a result, we are always aware of the latest developments.

You are also assured that we have extensive experience in those fields. We have teams in the fields of Company law and M&A, Government, Intellectual property & IT, Labour law and Procurement & Competition law and Property and Construction.

In short, these are the areas which are most important to business owners and governmental organisations. Do you have any doubts as to whether we can deal with your case? You may always contact us free of obligation. If we cannot help you ourselves, we will put you in touch with someone in our extensive global network of specialist lawyers free of charge.

Would you like to know more about our fields of expertise? If you would, please continue to read here.


Our name alone reveals that we stand for clarity and strength. We ourselves are very passionate about our fields of law but we understand that you require practical, concise advice. We will always be clear about your chances and the costs involved. Acting on this basis, we will consult you about any further strategy. As far as we are concerned, it would be preferable to first examine whether it is possible to achieve an amicable settlement. This can often save time and expense. If it turns out that this will not occur or if the case requires this, we will consult you about any further action.

Our threshold is also low. We have developed lasting relationships with many of our clients. Not only are we approached if a dispute arises but we also serve as a permanent sparring partner. You may therefore also call us even for quick questions or if you would like to consult us as to whether you are on the right track. We will simply enjoy that. In addition, we familiarise ourselves intimately with our clients’ business as a result and know exactly what interests are at stake.

Various options are available as far as fees are concerned. In addition to our hourly rates, we also work with fixed fees and subscriptions. Our firm only charges hourly rates and VAT (where applicable) for our work. We do not charge for any office expenses or some other fixed percentage for general expenditure

Provision of Services

Clairfort distinguishes itself by providing the services of an attorney-at-law, mediator or project lawyer in accordance with the relevant client’s requirements.

In the first place we are a law firm and employ specialist lawyers and attorneys-at-law who provide advice and conduct litigation. Apart from this, we are in our element when drafting and assessing contracts, and performing contract management.

We can also supply project lawyers and in-house services. You may always approach us if you wish to engage someone for a longer or shorter period who will be present at fixed times and can share ideas concerning legal matters.

Finally, we have qualified and experienced mediators, who can search for solutions together with other parties.

Legal information

Clairfort is a joint venture consisting of the following two law practices, which perform their work at their own risk and expense:

– Clairfort Zeist B.V. (KvKnr: 69535876)
– The informal partnership Clairfort HS (KvKnr: 30267367)

Our fields of expertise

Company law and M&A


Intellectual Property & IT

Labour law

Procurement & Competition law

Property & Construction